Performance Review

Performance Landscape Man We were assigned to photoshop images over his jacket and shirt to create a "Landscape Man," as it was called. This took around a week of class, but I came in a lot during lunch and after school to get it finished, since I was behind. I had a whole lot of difficulty in remembering how to use different tools of photoshop. With doing that, I had to relearn a lot of photoshop tools, so that was incredibly difficult. After I finished, I did get compliments, mostly due to its difference from most other projects. Most people were using forest scenes or nature, but I couldn't work with that, so I went with a cityscape. I really like this one, actually. It has such bright colors and contrast, so this really appeals to my favorite color palettes. Panorama This project was a panorama of photographs that follow a certain theme. My theme was childhood memories. We spent around two weeks in class, I believe, but I took a while and had to spend time ...