Final Blog

Final Blog For one project, we had to create a poster design, postcard design, and ticket design for a music concert or art show. I picked a music concert of one of my favorite musicians, Regina Spektor. It took me a long time; I believe it was around three weeks of work. I ended up getting behind while working on the vector portrait of her, but I’m proud of how it turned out. It was difficult to catch up and keep up. However, learning how to use adobe better was a good experience. Overall, I like this project, and so did my table partner. I did have to adjust the ticket design due to it being boring with just Regina, so I added the flowers. The poster is my favorite, mostly because you can see the vector graphic the best in that one. In this project, we had to create a card design for some occasion. For mine, I decided to make a design for my dad’s 50th birthday and for my brother’s high school graduation. It took me a couple weeks, but I was actually ahead ...