Personality Test

Personality Test INFJ My personality is INFJ, Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging. For the introvert section I like to be alone in order to recharge. Being intuitive means I think of the future more than the present and am able to come up with new ideas. Feeling refers to how I make decisions based on feelings of myself and others over logic and fact. Judging means I try to plan and get details to sort everything out for the future. One person I share personality type with is Martin Van Buren, a previous American president. This is very accurate to me. Personally I can't be around people for too long without getting stressed and tired. While this doesn't mean I can't communicate or I don't like people, this just means sometimes I just would prefer to be alone. One thing that isn't completely accurate is the feeling portion. I do rely on feelings in many decisions however I do take all the facts into consideration before making any c...