Personality Test
Personality Test

This is very accurate to me. Personally I can't be around people for too long without getting stressed and tired. While this doesn't mean I can't communicate or I don't like people, this just means sometimes I just would prefer to be alone. One thing that isn't completely accurate is the feeling portion. I do rely on feelings in many decisions however I do take all the facts into consideration before making any choices.

My introversion causes me in a group environment to be quieter and in less of a leader role. I am capable of leading and sometimes do step out of my comfort zone to make sure everybody is getting things done. Usually though, I try to stay out of the spotlight. When I do stay quiet things usually go worse than if I speak up. I get more and more annoyed at everything the people who are leading do but still I stay quiet. However if I do speak up it's usually because everybody else is also quiet and I feel the need to try to make everything less awkward and get others involved.

We also took the LOGB (Lion, otter, golden retriever, beaver) test. I ended up with the results of golden retriever, which says I'm good at making friends, loyal, sensitive, caring, secure, and have no more than a couple friends. I'd had to disagree with the first statement as I am not skilled in gaining friendship with people as I sometimes don't have enough confidence to actually try to communicate with an attempt at friendship. Truthfully, the rest is accurate. Once I do become friends with somebody I do feel very loyal and caring to them.
Through this I learned a bit about myself that I hadn't quite realized before. I could have continued to live without these explanations, but it's kind of neat to know.
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