Logo Color Schemes
This logo uses the analogous colors of green, yellow-green and yellow. I think the company probably chose these colors because green and yellow cause peace and comfort for the viewer so a bank would want the viewer to have trust in their bank.

This logo uses the analogous colors of blue, blue-green and green. I think the company probably chose these colors because as a company for upcoming entrepreneurs colors that are considered "modern" and "21st century colors" would attract those with new futuristic and bold ideas.

This logo uses the complementary colors of orange and blue. I think the company probably chose these colors because they would pop out on a desktop and contrasting colors done in this way can cause the viewer to feel the browser is modern and sophisticated.

This logo uses the complementary colors of green and red. I think the company probably chose these colors because it gives off the spicy feeling of what most of the restaurant serves and is easy to spot in a crowded lot.
This logo uses the warm colors of red and yellow. I think the company probably chose these colors because as toy cars the color red gives off the feeling of speed and the yellow lets the viewer know that it is a toy as yellow is a common color in toy logos.
This logo uses the warm colors of red and yellow. I think the company probably chose these colors because red has been proven to make people hungry and yellow is used in a way that shows the viewer that it is a chips and snacks company.
This logo uses the cool colors of violet and blue. I think the company probably chose these colors because the blue and purple together give the feeling of refreshment or new things. As an exercise facility it provides the viewer with confidence.

This logo uses the cool colors of blue and green. I think the company probably chose these colors because a those shades of dark blue and light green have effects on the brain that create calmness and thus would refer to their ability to help people.

This logo uses the monochromatic colors of dark blue and light blue. I think the company probably chose these colors because blue is considered assuring and trustable. This assists the company since people are putting their money into an online source they want to be trusted.
This logo uses the monochromatic colors of dark blue, blue and light blue. I think the company probably chose these colors because these colors make the viewer feel at ease and as a bank they want to make people feel like their company is able to handle their money.
Triad Color

This logo uses the triad colors of blue, yellow and red. I think the company probably chose these colors because the dark cool blue against the warm yellow and red make it pop against other buildings and makes it clear to the eye.
This logo uses the triad colors of blue, yellow and red. I think the company probably chose these colors because yellow and red can cause people to want to eat while blue gives off that it's considered a family restaurant.
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