Creating a Company: Gateway
For this project we were given around nine weeks to invent a company, design a product, create all the graphics and advertisements for it, complete a product website, and present it to our peers. Over the course of the nine weeks our group ran into troubles involving technical issues and the big rush to get everything done near the end. Personally, I’ve discovered that even if you think you’ll have time, you should get things done as soon as you get that time to work on it. Some feedback from our peers was mostly over our presentation. Generally people liked our product and our final presentation was well-received. We had to do a lot of edits and practice our presentation quite a bit in order to perfect it, however. Overall the work did add up and turn out nicely to create and present our product.
During class we always divided the work and each worked individually with the review of our other group
members to give us opinions and critique. Whenever we finished early we took a look at what we didn’t
finish in the last rotation or things that could be improved in this rotation. Often I tried to keep the group
on-task and working well while I worked on what I was assigned. Whenever we were done with a
portion of any rotation we reviewed our work and made suggestions, also double-checking to make sure
everything was done. Our group generally got along and followed instruction provided. Whenever
somebody was not finished with their part it was expected that they go into lunch in order to complete
their part. I came in during lunch whenever I felt it was needed for my part or for the project as a whole.
members to give us opinions and critique. Whenever we finished early we took a look at what we didn’t
finish in the last rotation or things that could be improved in this rotation. Often I tried to keep the group
on-task and working well while I worked on what I was assigned. Whenever we were done with a
portion of any rotation we reviewed our work and made suggestions, also double-checking to make sure
everything was done. Our group generally got along and followed instruction provided. Whenever
somebody was not finished with their part it was expected that they go into lunch in order to complete
their part. I came in during lunch whenever I felt it was needed for my part or for the project as a whole.

I am very organized and able to stay on task. With myself being not particularly good at one thing in the
project but rather being competent in several tasks, I filled in the work that nobody else seemed to be
able or want to do. I made sure everything was done on time by myself and the others.
project but rather being competent in several tasks, I filled in the work that nobody else seemed to be
able or want to do. I made sure everything was done on time by myself and the others.

stressing out over not being able to get things done in time. It was not very enjoyable but I’m just glad
we did get everything done by it’s due date. Although, during the project, whatever perfectionist attitude
I had was gone with the idea of “As long as it’s done according to the instructions, we don’t need to go
overboard.” In the future I’ll try to set up a schedule for what things I have to get done each day.

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