Photoshop Tutorials

We were assigned to follow tutorials of photoshopping different photographs. It was difficult, but I eventually finished. We simply followed along the tutorials, learning the different aspects and tools of photoshop.

I had some troubles along the way, but eventually finished. Once I thought I was finished, I realized my name wasn't on most of the images, so I went back and put my name and hour on. I learned that technology is not your friend, and photoshop is no excuse. It doesn't attempt to make things easier on you. Things will go wrong, and for some odd reason the software will completely change up the image and not let you undo it. It was not an easy or fun experience, to say the least.

I kept up with deadlines, luckily, but wasn't enjoying this project whatsoever. If I could go back, I'd avoid any distractions and just get the work done with. However, I still got everything done on time, so keeping everything on time would be good to do. I'll attempt to keep on task and to the instructions, along with asking for help more. While I had a tough time, I think I will eventually get better at this with practice and knowledge.
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