Home, my home, to be exact. Many memories are involved with simply the idea of home. The familiar sights of the blue paint in my room, noises of family talking or dogs going in an out into the back yard, or the specific and unique scent every home has. I recognize the sound of each family member's steps as they walk around the house. The sight of quick movement when my rabbit is running around the living room. The noise of dogs wandering around and the clicking their nails against the wood or tile.In my life, I travel to different family members. I go to my grandmother's house on my mother's side. Her home is always very clean and quiet. My grandmother's house on my father's side is very loud and busy with people. I also visit my cousins in Saint Louis. It is a nice drive there, and they are always friendly. Family has always been key while I was growing up.
There are the experiences of home. Experiences such as birthdays, where you go downstairs and see a couple presents on the mantle. Rainy days, when the creek in the back yard starts to rush and can be heard from the house. Cold winters, as the scent of winter air comes in through the door. Sunrises, at the point when golden light starts shining in through the windows. This is my home.
This project was difficult, but a nice change of pace. Just working with these photos reminded me of the memories that would come with them. I used photos from my house or traveling to relatives. I tried to blend everything together to get a very home-ish feeling, since that's been the basis of my childhood memories.

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